February 25, 2014 /

Kaua'i Day 1

  Finally, I get to share our photos from Kaua'i!  Tim and I went to the gorgeous and magical island of Kaua'i this past January and I've been waiting for my new website to go live to show the...


Finally, I get to share our photos from Kaua’i!  Tim and I went to the gorgeous and magical island of Kaua’i this past January and I’ve been waiting for my new website to go live to show these photos.  What better way to celebrate a new website and logo with photos from Hawaii!Kauai 1

Kilauea lighthouse and Nene’sKauai 2 Kauai 3 Kauai 4

I’m convinced that Dr. Suess visited the Hawaiian islands for inspiration for his drawings!Kauai 5

Sea Cucumber and coral or that whale barf stuff.Kauai 6 Kauai 7 Kauai 8 Kauai 9

Delicious Ono!Kauai 10 Kauai 11 Kauai 12

Our dining companions and Shave Ice!Kauai 13 Kauai 14 Kauai 15Kauai 16

Blue HawaiiKauai 17

A couple of film shotsKauai swing palm trees

Come back tomorrow for more!


i’m so excited to see these photos! all that green doesn’t seem real. oh, and… i spy a horse tattoo! nice!

Makes me want to go back there.

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