February 15, 2014 /

Worry, and the Long Eared Owl (I mean Screech-Owl)

I just got confirmation from Sharon The Birdchick that this is actually a Screech-Owl, not a Long Eared Owl.  Thanks Sharon! Just about every day, I worry.  I worry about my business and if I will ...

I just got confirmation from Sharon The Birdchick that this is actually a Screech-Owl, not a Long Eared Owl.  Thanks Sharon!

Just about every day, I worry.  I worry about my business and if I will be able to book enough weddings for the year.  I also worry about my photographs and if they are good enough and then I worry about whether I’m good enough.  Then I get all worked up and try not to panic…

And then, there are these little moments in life, like spotting a Long Eared Owl in our neighbors back yard.  It’s these little moments that help to remind me that there is so much more to life and that whether I like it or not, I am right where I need to be.

This one’s a Life Lister for Tim!  We haven’t seen one of these beauties in the wild, and here she is, right in the city!

Long Earred Owl 2

Long Earred Owl 4

You can’t see it very well, but in the photo below she has her mouth open.  Thank you to the 5 scolding Bluejays that alerted us to her presence.

Long Earred Owl8




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