December 31, 2012 /

My 12 Favorite Wedding Photos from 2012 (And one extra)

Congrats to Megan Schuller!  You are the winner of the Origins gift card!  Thanks to everyone else for participating, I enjoyed seeing what photo was everyone's favorite! It is always SO hard to go...

Congrats to Megan Schuller!  You are the winner of the Origins gift card!  Thanks to everyone else for participating, I enjoyed seeing what photo was everyone’s favorite!

It is always SO hard to go over my photos from the year and try to pick my favorites!  Last year I got the idea from The Marantz’s (some of you may know that I kind of stalk them) to pick out a number of photos that coincides with the number in the year that we are in.  So last year I chose 11 photos, this year I chose 12 photos, kind of.  It really makes me look harder at my images and think about what I enjoy photographing most!  So here we go!  And why don’t we make this interactive and have a little contest for you, Since the New Year is coming and all!  Please leave a comment below and let me know which image is your favorite and I will be choosing one random person to receive a $10.00 gift card to my favorite beauty supply shop Origins!

1.  Favorite Couple Photo

2. Favorite Ceremony Photo (Shot by Tim)

3.  Favorite Dress Photo

4.  Favorite Film Photo Shot on my Hasselblad

5.  Favorite “Silly” Photo

6.  Favorite Shoes Photo

7.  Favorite Flower Girl Photo

8.  Favorite Father Daughter Dance Photo

9.  Favorite Bridal Photo

10.  Favorite Groom Photo

11.  Favorite Bouquet and Ring Photo as a Pair

12.  Favorite Bridal Party Photo

13.  And because 1 +2 =3 (as in 1 and 2 in 2012, which would then somehow bring us to 2013) I’m putting in an extra photo.  This is a bit of a peek from the wedding I shot this past weekend!

Now tell me your favorite!


#7 sweetest little girl ever!

#8 is the best-Dad is so overcome with emotion, it’s beautiful!

I love the little flower girl in #7. Really captured her innocence and irrepressible joy!

I vote for #7! How can you not when you can capture happiness and sweetness in one picture! O just want to eat this princess up!

Flower girl is adorable! #7 is my vote.

amazing photos! i vote for #13, but 9 & 12 are my other favorites.

I may be slightly biased, but I have to go with the beautiful profile shot of Liz (#9)
And runner up just has to be the gorgeous Julia in the final photo (#13)
Incredible work overall, Tiffany. I have already given your name to a couple getting married next year!

I like #11! The colors & composition are great.

I agree with Liz that #13 is the best. I can’t wait to see the rest of the pictures from that wedding.

I love #13! Because Julia looks like an old Hollywood beauty! Just gorgeous! The snow on the trees just tops it off! So magical.

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