August 3, 2012 /

Featured Vendor of the Month / Jada Schumacher at design-orange

I cannot believe that it is August already and it is time again for another Featured Vendor! Jada Schumacher is the founder and designer of super fun products at design-orange.  She creates all kinds ...

I cannot believe that it is August already and it is time again for another Featured Vendor! Jada Schumacher is the founder and designer of super fun products at design-orange.  She creates all kinds of funky things from designer note-cards to doilies to baby burpers!  (All of which make super great gifts!)  She is super spunky and fun, she has a great shoe collection and I don’t think she ever slows down to take a breath!  Jada and I both received our MFA’s from Cranbrook Academy of Art, however we were not there at the same time.  She found me somehow a few years ago and took me out to lunch and we have been working with each other on and off ever since!  She is also a teacher of graphic design in Madison WI, I can only imagine that her classes are non-stop excitement!  She has, however, recently informed me that she has accepted a teaching position in Manhattan!  So, this means that she is leaving Minnesota really soon!  I can’t imagine what she will find to consume her time in Manhattan, I mean I really don’t think there is much to do there, I’m pretty sure she will get really bored…  Wait!  Did I just write that out loud?!  I mean, I’m sure she’s going to have a blast!  I guess this just means that she will have to fly me out to New York to do our next photo shoot!  This particular photo shoot we did recently at Christ Church Lutheran in Minneapolis.  We are not really extreme religious fanatics, but we are, however, lovers of great design!    The church was designed by Eliel Saarinen in 1949 who was also an architect/designer and artist in residence at Cranbrook.  Are you seeing the connections now!  I so covet the orange chair and black couch in these photos, once again designed by the Saarinen’s.  Sigh.  I’ve also included some images from the past shoots that I have done for Jada’s products.  The first one took place at my house and the second one took place (with great thanks) at Valcucine this past February.

A few extras about Jada:

What does she listen to: Haley Bonar. Caroline Smith and the Good Night Sleeps. retro Al Green and Radiohead.

Where is she from: Colorado

Favorite Color: Orange!

What does she love to eat: Red grapes

What does she take advantage of: Coffeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee  I added this one! ;)

Click the “house” link above to see more from this shoot.

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