April 24, 2012 /

Digging In The Dirt

Spring is here and it is time to get out in the yard and prep the garden for growth!  Over the weekend Tim (with his boot for his broken ankle) and I were "Digging in the dirt".  Pulling out all of th...

Spring is here and it is time to get out in the yard and prep the garden for growth!  Over the weekend Tim (with his boot for his broken ankle) and I were “Digging in the dirt”.  Pulling out all of the creeping charlie and dandelions, and other random objects that we found, preparing to make way for new and better things.  I love being out in nature and working in the garden.  Nature is one of my three passions.  The other two are, photography obviously, and animals.  I always feel I have a new appreciation for life and things that are going on in the world when I am working in the garden and helping plants to grow.  Everything just seems lighter!  And a little wine always makes things go more smoothly!

However, as I am writing this post and even as I was working outside, I cannot help but to think of the metaphors of “digging in the dirt” and of course Peter Gabriel’s song “Digging In The Dirt”.  His song has a bit of a darker theme all around, yet I feel that some of the lyrics relate to my life and how I have been feeling.  I decided to only include the lyrics that felt most hopeful to me.  If you would like to view all of the lyrics you can do so by clicking on the link above.

“Stay with me, I need support I’m digging in the dirt

To find the places I got hurt

Open up the places I got hurt

The more I look, the more I find

As I close on in, I get so blind.”

Peter Gabriel


Some volunteer lettuce from last year.







My seedlings that I will soon be planting out in the real world!


My seedlings that the mites and my cat Francis ate!  Fortunately they were

only some flowers that I was experimenting with and not my vegetables.

I like to think that Francis was just trying to help remove the mites,

but got carried away.





i want to dig in the dirt with you guys! your seedlings look great!

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