Category: Personal

Sometimes I Pretend I’m A Poet
You You are teaching me to be brave, When You cannot be brave You are teaching me to have courage, When You cannot have courage You are teaching me to see the beauty in myself, When Yo...
February 24, 2017 / Personal
Reconnecting with Me
I've been feeling the need to reconnect with my artistic side. Not that photographing weddings isn't artistic, because it absolutely fulfills a large necessity to create art for me. But I feel like ...
February 17, 2017 / Personal
Survivor Kitty
I cannot even begin to explain how incredibly happy this little cat makes me! I shot this photo shortly after she had her splenectomy last October. She had to wear the cone/cape so she wouldn't mess...
February 9, 2017 / Personal
Sunday Dinner Fundraiser
My wonderful and innovative friend Suzy brought us all together for her first Sunday Dinner Fundraiser! Once a month (on a Sunday) she will be hosting a dinner at her place to raise money for differe...
February 3, 2017 / Personal
The Trees Will Keep Us Safe
The trees surrounded the lamppost. They protected it from knowing it had been left behind.
January 31, 2017 / Personal
Minnesota Women’s March
I am so proud of Minnesota and so proud to be a Minnesotan! 100,000 people showed up to march at the capitol to show our support for Women's rights, LGBT rights, Black Lives Matter, Muslim American r...
January 23, 2017 / Personal
Our Little Family
Tim and I were so fortunate to have our good friend Kris of Images by Kris take some photos of us and our kids (cats). Our little grey and white cat Hazel, who is only 5 years old, was recently diagn...
November 17, 2016 / Personal
Sometimes I Pretend I’m A Writer
I have lost my words Words written but never spoke Like the long summer shadows that spread across suburban lawns. Sprinklers sigh, Crickets chirp, But where is my voice from so long ago?
September 9, 2016 / Personal
A Trip to the North Shore
These photos are from early June of this year when Tim and I, my brother Andy, his wife Christina, their kids Hannah and Mason and my mom spent a weekend up North at Surf Side for my mom's birthday we...
August 29, 2016 / Personal
A Beast of a Tomato
Well, tomato season is officially here and we here at T'N'T farm know how to get things started off right! This is indeed only one tomato. The biggest I've ever grown! We were pretty excited!... A...
August 17, 2016 / Personal