August 29, 2016 /

A Trip to the North Shore

These photos are from early June of this year when Tim and I, my brother Andy, his wife Christina, their kids Hannah and Mason and my mom spent a weekend up North at Surf Side for my mom's birthday we...

These photos are from early June of this year when Tim and I, my brother Andy, his wife Christina, their kids Hannah and Mason and my mom spent a weekend up North at Surf Side for my mom’s birthday weekend.  I finally got around to going through them!  It was a bit of a misty, chilly weekend but we still got a few hikes in and we played lots of games.  Our last night there was an incredible sunset that changed the landscape into something magical!  I actually thought I might finally see a unicorn!  I didn’t, however, I did get some nice sunset photos of my niece Hannah.  That Lake Superior just gets me every time!

…Ummmmm, hey guys… we’re at the North Shore!!!  I guess it was raining, I will give them that.

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Mason’s drawing from one of the games we played.North Shore Beauty 6 North Shore Beauty 7 North Shore Beauty 8 North Shore Beauty 9 North Shore Beauty 10 North Shore Beauty 11 North Shore Beauty 12 North Shore Beauty 13 North Shore Beauty 14 North Shore Beauty 15 North Shore Beauty 16 North Shore Beauty 17 North Shore Beauty 18 North Shore Beauty 19 North Shore Beauty 20 North Shore Beauty 21 North Shore Beauty 22

Crazy girl!

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Crazy kids!

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Tim met his match!North Shore Beauty 30 North Shore Beauty 31 North Shore Beauty 32 North Shore Beauty 33 North Shore Beauty 34 North Shore Beauty 35

Capturing the REAL Hannah.North Shore Beauty 36 North Shore Beauty 37 North Shore Beauty 38 North Shore Beauty 39 North Shore Beauty 40 North Shore Beauty 41 North Shore Beauty 42 North Shore Beauty 44 North Shore Beauty 45 North Shore Beauty 46 North Shore Beauty 47 North Shore Beauty 48 North Shore Beauty 49

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