February 5, 2013 /

Winter time blahs

So, I usually like to keep my blog posts on the positive side, but life is not always kitties and sunshine. People get down, I get down (I couldn't help thinking, I get down on the dance floor, when I...

So, I usually like to keep my blog posts on the positive side, but life is not always kitties and sunshine. People get down, I get down (I couldn’t help thinking, I get down on the dance floor, when I wrote that!). See, sometimes simply writing things out can make you feel better! Anyway, back to feeling gloomy! I will admit, winter is not my favorite time of year, I really dislike being cold. I often wonder why I still live in Minnesota! Warmer climates are always calling my name and I turn them away. What is wrong with me? Oh yeah, there’s that whole family thing. I also really like being close to my family, and they are all here in Minnesota with me, probably griping about the weather as well. Then to top things off, it’s time to pay my sales tax! Ugh! Here I am, freezing cold and now the government wants to take all of my money too! What the…?! Well, I guess that’s just part of owning a business.

During these times when I am feeling blue, I always feel so grateful to have the love and support of my family and my husband. And I’m talking LOTS and LOTS of support! I would not be able to do what I’m doing (my photography business) with out all of their support. So, when I start feeling lumpy, as I like to say, I try to remember who is sacrificing for me, so that I can continue to work towards fulfilling my dreams and how thankful I am for their sacrifices.

“When you are struggling and it feels like you are getting nowhere, struggle harder!”  I think I can take credit for this quote.  If someone else said it first, please let me know!

And now for the kitties at least, there’s still not much sunshine.  I make sure to do lots of snuggling with my two cats when I am blue. They are always down for a good snuggle!

Francis is 14 and I’ve had him since he was a kitten. I joke that I could have a 14 year old child, but instead I have a cat. He’s probably a lot less sassy then a 14 year old child.

Hazel is (we think) just over a year old.  She showed up on our doorstep last fall, hungry and full of fleas.  She and Francis get along quite well and they are way too cute when they snuggle with each other.

Shot on my Hasselblad.


What is it about cold weather that makes some of us feel gloomy!?! Blah! Thank heavens for our sweet fur-babies. Your cats are gorgeous. :) Here’s to a brighter and warmer tomorrow. :)

Kitties make the world a better place!

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