July 2, 2012 /

Tim & Tiffany's Adventures in Florida!

This past May we were in Florida a for a wedding, but we also had some time to travel a bit.  My Aunt and Uncle live in Fort Meyers and graciously let us stay at their place for a few days.  They got ...

This past May we were in Florida a for a wedding, but we also had some time to travel a bit.  My Aunt and Uncle live in Fort Meyers and graciously let us stay at their place for a few days.  They got us into the Ford/Edison Summer Home where they volunteer.  The house and grounds were amazing!  We made it to several different places as well, including:  Sanibel Island and J.N. “Ding” Darling National Wildlife Refuge, Orlando, Cape Canaveral and Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge, The Everglades, Big Cypress National Preserve and Shark Valley.  We were getting our nature on and doing some birding!  Tim is more of a birder then I am, but I especially appreciate the tropical birds because they are bigger and you can actually see them and photograph them.  My favorite bird on our trip was the Roseate Spoonbill.  They are super cute and I got a little obsessed with trying to get a good shot of them!  Thank you Tim for the bird Identifications!










Purple Gallinule

Crazy grasshopper thing!




The only panther that we saw in Florida.

The smallest Post Office, which, as you can see, is the perfect size for Tim.  He was

sad because he wanted to mail a postcard and was too late.

Inquisitive Little Blue Heron foraging through Mangroves.

Yellow Crowned Night Heron.

Tri-colored Heron wading.



A pair of Ibis picking through rocks for some lunch.

Young Black-bellied Plover on Captiva.




Adult Black-bellied Plover.


Tri-colored Heron and skulking Little Green Heron.


Black Turkey Vulture.

Young White Faced Ibis.

The Scrub-Jay, endemic to this central area of Florida, on Cape Canaveral.

The Scrub-Jay, again, which has now been checked off of our Life-List!

Roseate Spoonbill and an Egret


Cape Canaveral

Roseate Spoonbills


Roseate Spoonbills




I loved the birds!

[…] The Scrub-Jay, again, which has now been checked off of our Life-List! … Original post: Tim & Tiffany's Adventures in Florida! | Tiffany Bolk Photography ← Travel | Pictures | Exploring a Swamp in Florida | Day in the Life Park … […]

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