March 4, 2014 /

Kaua'i Day 6

  We headed south once more and strolled through the Grand Hyatt hotel to get to the beach.  They were having a parrot demonstration and may I just say, this blue guy wanted to make himself kn...


We headed south once more and strolled through the Grand Hyatt hotel to get to the beach.  They were having a parrot demonstration and may I just say, this blue guy wanted to make himself known.  However noisy they are, they are beautiful!Kauai 1 Kauai 2 Kauai 3

We hiked along the dunes of the south shore.Kauai 4 Kauai 5

Tim is on whale patrol.  We saw so many whales in the distance, any day we had a view of the ocean we would catch a glimpse of whales far off, spouting air from their blow holes and launching themselves up above the water.  We were only looking through binoculars and it was quite a sight, I can only imagine what it would be like to be on a boat and have one of these guys breach right next to you.Kauai 6 Kauai 7

One of our favorite places for food ended up being a place called “Da Crack”.  It was just a window along a strip mall, but they had the best burritos on the island!  Kauai 8

I love these little lizards!Kauai 9

And snails…Kauai 10

That night we attended a Luau!  Neither Tim nor I have ever experienced a Luau before so we were very excited.  As you can see, my face gets very scrunched up and I give myself a double chin when I get excited.  I realize this is not the most attractive thing, but I can’t help it.Kauai 11

The Luau was at the Sheraton and we were both very impressed, not only by the show, but also by the food.  Being vegetarian we were a bit worried about what we would be able to eat at a Luau as traditionally there is usually a pig roast (like a whole pig over the fire).  No pig roast here!  In fact, there were lots of salad dishes, all with labels, they even had tofu and gluten free!  Very impressive!  And the show was really great, I felt like I was on Fantasy Island!Kauai 12Kauai 13 Kauai 14 Kauai 15 Kauai 16 Kauai 17 Kauai 18 Kauai 19 Kauai 20 Kauai 21 Kauai 22 Kauai 23 Kauai 24 Kauai 25 Kauai 26 Kauai 27 Kauai 28 Kauai 29 Kauai 30

It was so great to see the constellation of Orion in a warm weather sky!  Usually it is freezing when I view this guy.Kauai 31

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