October 21, 2015 /

Wine of the Month - October

Crushed black cherries crunch beneath your feet as you walk through a darkening forest and the last rays of sunlight peer between the tree limbs. This is the Field Recordings, Tommy Town Vineya...

Crushed black cherries crunch beneath your feet as you walk through a darkening forest and the last rays of sunlight peer between the tree limbs.

October-Field Recordings Cabernet Franc

This is the Field Recordings, Tommy Town Vineyard, 2013 Cabernet Franc from Happy Canyon, Santa Barbara, California.  I LOVE the wines from this winemaker, Andrew Jones.  He is a vine nursery fieldman and he works in several different vineyards and knows all of the best spots for grapes.  Each of his wines are from a different vineyard. The label (which is really fabulous as well) is an image of the Starlings rising up from the fields.

This is a great wine to help ease you into the cooler months to come.  It’s not heavy but it’s not too light, and it is rich and fruit forward with a bit of acidity and carbonic maceration, which creates a little tingle on your tongue.  Some reviewers of this wine did not care for the acidity and felt it could wait a bit longer to be opened, but I think it is still enjoyable now as well.  Buy two bottles, open one now and one next year and see what you think!  I have also read that the Hinterland vineyard Cabernet Franc is a bit more polished, so I plan on checking that out next.

For those of you that don’t know, I have a part-time job at a wine shop and I love wine!  So, I thought I would try my hand at writing about it.  I’m certainly no expert and I don’t like to be too wine snobbish, but I know what I like and I would prefer if you would imbibe in good wines as opposed to cheep and nasty wines.  Over the past 2 and a half years I have learned a lot about wine and I plan on learning more.  Wine is fascinating and of course delicious!

You can find this wine at a Kowalski’s wine shop which are located in Minneapolis, Eagan, Woodbury, Oak Park Heights and now Excelsior.

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