January 28, 2013 /

Justin & Mary's What's Next Tour!

This past weekend I was lucky enough to be able to attend Justin & Mary's What's Next Tour!  I have been following their blog for about 2 years and I'm always very inspired by what they have to sa...

This past weekend I was lucky enough to be able to attend Justin & Mary’s What’s Next Tour!  I have been following their blog for about 2 years and I’m always very inspired by what they have to say and share and their photographs are beautiful!  I was super excited to finally get to see them in action!  So, Tim drove me down to Kansas City (yes, he usually drives, I’m very spoiled) where we also hung out for a few days and ate some great food as well!

I think it’s really important for photographers to attend workshops every so often, not only to be inspired and learn something, but to also do some networking and meet new people.  As a photographer I find myself (which you may find surprising) very isolated from the world, as I am usually posted up in front of my computer working on photos.  And I know this to be true of many other photographers as well.  So, if you are a photographer, and you find yourself nodding your head and humming an “mmmm hmmm” in agreement to those last sentences, make sure to get out of your pajamas, put on a cute outfit and go out and meet some new people.  At least once a month!  ;)

Justin and Mary held their workshop in the beautiful Vox Theater in Kansas City, Kansas.  I left feeling inspired, with a whole list of questions that I need to be continually asking myself and a few new friends.  These questions aren’t just for wedding photographers, these are questions for everyone to consider.  Such as:

What’s holding me back from fulfilling my dreams?

How is “safe” working out?

Who am I setting an example for?

Who has sacrificed for me?

What is my story and how does that make me special?

Ugh!  Such big questions to consider!

I also left with some really great quotes:

“Failure is not final”

“Lying is what fear does best”

“You get in life what you have the courage to ask for.”  Oprah Winfrey (of course)

“Don’t look at dreams as opportunities, look at dreams as obligations”


“If you can’t get out of it, get into it!”  The Happiness Project



Me, giddily posing for a photo with Mary.  This part is super embarrassing for me to admit, because, did I introduce myself to her?  Um, no…  Did I walk up to her and say, “Hi, I’m Tiffany Bolk and I follow your blog all the time and I love what you do!”  Nope!  Seriously!  This shyness bit has got to get lost!  I just tapped her on the shoulder (shyly of course) ((ugh)) and asked if she would be in a photo with me.  Shyness has been such a barrier in my lifetime, but that will have to wait for another post.  And yes, she’s also Super Model tall and gorgeous!




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