July 31, 2018 /

I Love California Tour Part 5 - The Swimming Pools

I'm a little obsessed with swimming pools and I don't know why.  I don't really care to swim, or even get in water, I don't really like getting wet.  Which is probably strange because I'm a Pisces, wh...

I’m a little obsessed with swimming pools and I don’t know why.  I don’t really care to swim, or even get in water, I don’t really like getting wet.  Which is probably strange because I’m a Pisces, which is a water sign, so you’d think I’d love water.  I love to drink water, but I don’t want to be in it.  So, this thing with the pools, I just don’t know.  They can be nice pools or deteriorating pools, pretty pools or ugly pools, full pools or empty pools.  There’s just something that draws me in.

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